"Driving drunk had been normal back in Mexico, he said"
(too old to reply)
2007-04-04 21:22:33 UTC
Hispanic DWIs rooted in immigrants' culture
"Driving drunk had been normal back in Mexico, he said."
A mad-as-hell GWA (a longtime Volvo enthusiast and traffic safety
comments ...
Where has Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) been for the past 15
as hordes of illegally-driving illegal aliens drive on all our roads
coast to coast?
AWOL, that's where!
God forbid MADD or the Automobile Club of America (AAA) actually do
anything which it's in their actual charters to do, such as serve as a
force to make America's roads safer.
NO!: For what's the safety of Americans when not offending the REAL
of Evil" (corporate interests + political correctness) is what's most
Think the fact that, as per its own website, a significant portion of
MADD's funding comes from
"corporate sponsorships and government grants
... both monetary and in-kind donations from
corporations, foundations, federal and state
government ... "
has anything to do with it's glaring refusal to address the massive --
massively ignored -- drunk-illegal-alien-drivers issue?
Hispanic DWIs rooted in immigrants'
"The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave" by Heather
See the COLOSSAL costs of illegal aliens to the American
"Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada"
("For The Race everything, for those outside The Race nothing")
-- Motto of MEChA, one of the nation's largest publically-funded
organizations with cells on high school and college campuses across the
(Note: Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez says he "used to be" a member)
"How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico"
By John Dillinhttp://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0706/p09s01-coop.html
"General Eisenhower ... quoted a report in The New York Times,
highlighting one paragraph that said: 'The rise in illegal
by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate of more than
1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation
in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters
of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal
Government ..."
"Herbert Brownell Jr., Eisenhower's first attorney general, said the
president had a sense of urgency about illegal immigration when he took
"America 'was faced with a breakdown in law enforcement on a very
scale,' Mr. Brownell said. 'When I say large scale, I mean hundreds of
thousands were coming in from Mexico [every year] without restraint.'"
Just two of MANY American cops murdered by
"Unfortunately, the majority of illegal aliens who are here are engaged
criminal activity. Identity theft, use of fraudulent Social Security
numbers and green cards, tax evasion, driving without licenses represent
some of the crimes that are engaged in by the majority of illegal aliens
a daily basis merely to maintain and hide their illegal status. In
addition, violent crime and drug distribution and possession is also
prevalent among illegal aliens. Over 25% of today's federal prison
population are illegal aliens. In some areas of the country, 12% of
felonies, 25% of burglaries and 34% of thefts are committed by illegal
-- Testimony of District Attorney John M. Morganelli before the House
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border, Security and Claims [Note: 99% of
warrants for murder in Los Angeles, California -- the USA's 2nd
most-populous city -- are for illegal aliens]
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of
-- Samuel Adams
""All great truths begin as heresies."
-- Former Democrat Governor of Colorado Richard Lamm, official of
Defend Colorado Now, a movement opposed to illegal immigration
and public services for illegal aliens
Fool's" post reporting on Google's hilarious "TiSP"
"TiSP is for everyone. Read the website yourself. This service is for
everyone who owns a TOILET. You may not own one, but that is your
since you live out in the woods.
TiSP = Toilet Internet Service Provider. "
About 2,700 American citizens were killed last year by illegal alien
drivers. And they still
fret about the death toll on 9/11! What a stinking vile political
http://www.vdare.com/ V-Dare
That leaves about 42,000 killed by their own countrymen? How about you get
your own people to learn to drive properly at the same time?
Indeed. We need a program here to teach drunks how to drive properly.
Time to point the finger at yourselves instead of always trying to shift
the blame.........
Um, who is to blame for illegals driving drunk, then? Americans, you say?
Please explain.
2007-04-04 21:55:16 UTC
Post by Candace
TiSP = Toilet Internet Service Provider. "
About 2,700 American citizens were killed last year by illegal alien
drivers. And they still
fret about the death toll on 9/11! What a stinking vile political
http://www.vdare.com/ V-Dare
That leaves about 42,000 killed by their own countrymen? How about you get
your own people to learn to drive properly at the same time?
Indeed. We need a program here to teach drunks how to drive properly.
You don't need to be drunk to be a bad driver and add to the road toll.
It's a cop out to assume only drunks are the problem. More people are
killed by sober drivers than drunk drivers, yet they are deemed
Post by Candace
Time to point the finger at yourselves instead of always trying to shift
the blame.........
Um, who is to blame for illegals driving drunk,
The drunk driver is to blame for driving drunk....no matter where he/she
is from. The "2700 American citizens were killed last year by illegal
aliens" is a small percentage of the total road kill. All drivers need
to get their shit together, not just the 'illegals'.
Post by Candace
then? Americans, you say?
I said "How about you get your own people to learn to drive properly at
the same time?"
Post by Candace
Please explain.