Imposter poseing as DisneyGeek - Be Aware.
(too old to reply)
Cyberiade.it Anonymous Remailer
2009-04-14 00:06:15 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
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Be Aware
There are two "disneygeek"s
who is likely the spurned bluue rajah, aka Charlie Jenkins, Snarkles Snodgrass, Non scrivetemi, and in all likelyhood the kindest face salted in just to decieve us by claiming to be "one of us" - Derek Janssen.
Working on getting that account of yours TOS'd with those forged
cancels, aren't you fuckwit?
Bluuuue Rajah
2009-04-16 12:03:53 UTC
This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.
I'm glad somebody finally got rid of this spamming political a-hole.